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Marketing Attribution Models: 43 Experts Explain How to Choose The Right One (and Mistakes to Avoid)
My bit: The best tip I can give is to define your marketing attribution model accurately. That is a complex issue: there is no one way or best way, there is no secret key. It very much depends on what is the goal, the macro goal and the micro goal. Having a clear...
Business planning and resource allocation with Vacancysoft
One of the many ways in which we work with clients is helping them with business planning and resource allocation. Expanding a business is expensive, and the lead-time required before seeing a return on investment can be lengthy. Our BI unit has extensive experience...
Stop Treating Social Media for Business Like Your Personal Facebook Account
The lifespan of pieces of content on channels such as Twitter and Linkedin is very limited, as they receive only a small amount of airtime and do not reach wide audiences (unless you are a well-known and very well-established brand or content channel). If you post an...
The Easy Way to Find a Job and Get Hired
Have you ever been in the situation when you are looking for a job and you send your CV to a million places but you get no response? Recently I was invited to give a speech to a class of undergraduates at a local university. The aim was helping students to find a job....
How can Thought Leadership help a Recruitment Business grow?
Data have swept into every industry and business function and is now a key factor of production, alongside labor and capital. For the recruiter, taking the time to obtain relevant data and create insight from it enables you to demonstrate your understanding of the...
Thought Leadership as a Business Development Tool
Thought leadership is the art of positioning your company as a leader in its niche through best-in-class expertise and insight. Thought leadership can have remarkable ROI – potentially higher than any other online or offline marketing activity – because it changes...
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Larysa Chaplin provides a comprehensive expertise of every best practice available in the market, along with a full description of how to use it to maximise value.
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